Descargo de responsabilidad del sitio web
¡Estamos comprometidos a servirle mejor!
Queridos solicitantes,
Nos gustaría informarle que nuestra sucursal de Cebú ya está abierta para brindarle un mejor servicio. Puede reservar una cita a través de nuestra página web.
Seguro de viaje El certificado debe presentarse en el centro de solicitud de visados para solicitar el visado Schengen de corta duración para solicitantes que viajan a España (no obligatorio para visados nacionales, de tránsito y familiares de nacionales de la UE).
Puede obtener su seguro de viaje de cualquier compañía de seguros autorizada o puede haga clic aquí Si desea aprovecharlo ahora.
Please be informed that starting May 1, 2024, The BLS International – Spain VAC will be implementing an online payment system for our logistics fee following the completion of your appointment.
This will take effect under all visa categories catered by the BLS only. For Consulate appointments, no logistics fees shall be charged.
Kindly note that all fees are non-refundable, even for applicants who choose not to proceed with or submit their applications.
Thank you for your attention to this important announcement.
We have a new appointment system to serve you better.
Please select the options accordingly to book your appointment:
For New User – Please complete the registration of your account.
For Existing User – Please log in using your email and password.
For Travel Agents – Please register or log in using the “Agent Log in” option.
To know more about the new appointment system, you may click here.
Thank you & stay safe.